Beach Day

Beach Day

I decided I wanted to take and go to a beach and take some photos. had to look around at beaches because some had issues or random stuff laying around.

As you can see in the first picture though I didn’t notice until after there was weird stuff in the background so I have to take and find somewhere else to go to. I also learned that some poses have issues with being near the ground so had to play with my hover height. wish creators gave options there.


Apricot Paws feety peets and handy paws

Catseye Feline Tail Bento

Hilly Halaan Issey Bikini

Pixel Puss Snow Tigress skin

Truth Cinnamon Hair

Inithium Kupra body

Lelutka Lilly Head

Other parts ask

Poses were from La Bomba

5 thoughts on “Beach Day

  1. Great post! It’s amazing to see how much work goes into taking a great photo. Thank you for sharing your experience. It’s always helpful to learn from others. Thanks again to the author for the thoughtful post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the compliments. One thing I have had to accept is perfect is the enemy of good and searching for perfect isn’t worth it. I also don’t photoshop photos or anything as I want people to have something they can see in Second Life themselves. I have been lucky with just an eye for photos. I do use a couple of the basic photo tips out there any photo basics class or tips post will have. I do want to get some more poses and backdrops at some point for this. Just limited funds.


  2. Wow, this post is so informative and helpful! Thank you so much for sharing your experience and tips. I never knew about the issues with certain poses, or how to look for good beaches. It’s great to have these insights. Thanks again for the great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. welcome. some of that is minor gripes and some just noticing something after and lampshading the don’t look at the man behind the curtain with mistakes. no pose can work for all shapes and bodies so they try to aim for a group and if not in that look at something else. why prefer in world demos or freebie poses.


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