Off-Line Flickr  and Discord Winnings plus some Freebies

Off-Line Flickr and Discord Winnings plus some Freebies

I seem to never remember how I discover stores these days. I blame how long I have been in sl and how many stores I know of. I have gotten some nice group gifts, advent gifts, and even a few giveaways on flickr and discord. Though some of the giveaways I have actually given away to some friends. Jenny being one of the major people I have done so with especially on shoes.

Madison: One of the group gifts from Off-line right off the bat. Not a regular outfit for me but that is just due to personal tastes. Nothing wrong with the outfit not even using an alpha with this picture. If you like the style I would honestly suggest this outfit. You can color the top and skirt separately since they are not just one part.

Clair: This was an advent gift I got from their 2022 one. There is an obvious reason I do not wear it regularly. It came in two colors peppermint as shown here and a snowflake version. There is a reason I chose this option between the two. If I was doing a themed shoot this would be a good option.

Haute: It looks nice but no hud, which means to change colors you have to switch the attachment worn, this also means no color mixing of the two areas of it since it is just one part. However I cannot complain too much since I received this for free, though I forget for what reason. Not my usual style but it is nice and in the right circumstances I could see myself wearing it to a summer party or such.

Jules: If this one small issue would be resolved I could see myself wearing the top especially out and about in second life. However the issue is that the girls peak out of the bottom especially the left. I might ask the creator about this in the near future to hopefully put it into my regular wardrobe options. Or I might get lucky and find an alpha I already have works for it. I think a different color would have been more flattering however this color had a nice look to me for a first photo so I used it for this.

Leah: An interesting bikini I recieved from Off-Line. It is not bad, good fit, nice appearance, and all that. Not my usual style but might mix it in at some point for my options. It also comes with a harness thing of leather strips and buckles. I will be posting a picture of that included on a different website for people to see if they want to. Not much different but different connotations can make a world of difference.

Lilo: Another of their freebies I featured previously in my Kupra Freebies List. I find it to be a nice if revealing little black dress. You definitely need to wait for the proper venue and circumstances for it, but when in that situation it will shine.

Mandy: Another of the advent gifts from 2022. I like it as a workout outfit. It fits nicely from what I saw, looks good, and it is nice and sexy too, just be careful on location you wear it at. Felt like being a little silly so I used the pose and the phone. I might try wearing it around more often now and then.

Miko: I do not know what circumstances I will likely have to use this, but it has an interesting look. I do not know how to categorize it and do not know when I will find a use for it but definitely nice to have as an option.

Nats Top: This top is likely to work its way into my regular use wardobe more often after this. Definitely need to be selective about its use but overall I like the appearance for it. Ignore the skirt just something for decency I pulled out.

Paula: I could definitely see using this when going out to a club to go dancing in second life. Nice enough appreance, no need for an alpha I saw.

Sophia: Technically I think it is supposed to be a bodysuit, however I am likely to use it as a swimsuit as shown here. A very interesting and nice appearance I find. I might use it for a swimsuit for the rest of the summer after next month.

Vidhor: Not my usual style of outfit for a few reasons however that is a tastes thing. I saw nothing wrong with the mesh of it, even looks good and if making an outfit for something I could see myself using it however those are far and few between for me.

Power: This I won in a giveaway, I actually remember it even. I entered it because it was a blast from my past. I remember the 90s fondly so easy for me to get excited for something like this. Though a fuller costume version would be a nice thing. However for a Halloween costume especially for the right location this is perfect in my eyes for that use. I know I am biased for this but that is what it was made to appeal to.

Bonus Kimbra: This comes included in the khara starter pack for those who buy the Inithium Khara body. I bought the body on sale in June for 1000L and found this pleasant surprise inside the starter pack. Usually I use the body for my orange tigress and cheetah forms but felt best to stick with my usual look more for the photo here.

Definitely worth it being in the Off-Line group in world, their Discord group, and follow them on Flickr for gifts and giveaways. I expect I will be a regular in those for some time. Hopefully they also do advent again this year. I love Christmas gifts. I will probably be posting an Advent series here when that time comes to look forward to that. They also do weekend sales every weekend. For more details on that go to the store, relevant sale website/group, or the above Discord, Flickr, inworld group I mentioned.


Anything you want o know about in the photos ask below in the comments. I do not bite… unless you want me to. Haha.

9 thoughts on “Off-Line Flickr and Discord Winnings plus some Freebies

  1. Hey there! Stumbled upon your post on the WordPress feed and couldn’t resist saying hello. I’m already hooked and eagerly looking forward to more captivating posts. Can’t seem to find the follow button, haha! Guess I’ll have to bookmark your blog instead. But rest assured, I’ll be eagerly watching for your updates!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This post was really useful, thank you for sharing your experiences with these stores. I’m glad you’ve been able to help your friends with the giveaways too. It’s nice to have options for themed shoots and the fact that the outfit can be colored separately is great. Thanks for the helpful post, it was really appreciated!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that you have given away gifts to your friends! That’s really generous of you. It’s great that you can choose between two colors for a themed shoot. Shopping in SL is definitely overwhelming so it’s nice to have your recommendations. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the different styles you shared! You have great taste in fashion. It’s so much fun to find new stores and explore their style. Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge! Thank you to the author!

    Liked by 1 person

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